Jumanji: The Next Level - Creature Design Part 01

Creature design for Jumanji was everything you would expect....fun! It was an awesome project to be involved in and director Jake Kasdan and VFX supervisor Mark Breakspear were great to work with.

Designing hyped up versions of familiar animals to help populate the crazy world of the Jumanji Game. We started with a broader range of options, looking at some that were more caricatures of the real world thing and some that were almost a new animal but looking related to the original. The Hyenas and Mandrills went down the former track, the animals we know and love but on steroids, while the ostriches ended up looking more like a prehistoric cousin.

Anaconda Sequence - Artist: Ben Wootten

Anaconda Sequence - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Mandrill Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten

Hyena Design - Artist: Ben Wootten