Ghost in the Shell - Major Disassembled

A large component of the design work created for the Major focused on her "Smart-Dermis"; layers of fine, artificial subcutaneous tissue muscle and skin that mimicked the intricacies seen in a real human being. The Dermis was postulated to be easily repairable and able to separate into segments when maintenance or surgery required it. The Major's THERMOPTIC SUIT was also designed to interface directly with the major through the Dermis, making the suit a true "second skin".

©2016 Paramount Pictures & DreamWorks Pictures.

Major Face Reveal - Artist: Jeremy Hanna

Major Face Reveal - Artist: Jeremy Hanna

Major Disassembly - Artist: Adam Middleton

Major Disassembly - Artist: Adam Middleton

Major Disassembly - Artist: Adam Middleton

Major Disassembly - Artist: Adam Middleton

Major Panel Line Study - Artist: Andrew Baker

Major Panel Line Study - Artist: Andrew Baker

Major Panel Line Study - Artist: Andrew Baker

Major Panel Line Study - Artist: Andrew Baker