District 9 - Alien Vehicles

Aphids and other flying bugs were referenced for Dropship designs in an effort to mirror the insectile nature of the Aliens themselves. By contrast, The Mothership was an exercise in iconography, requiring an easily recognisable, imposing piece of geometry that could be clearly seen throughout Johannesburg.

District 9 © 2009 Columbia Tristar marketing Group, Inc. All rights reserved

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Christian Pearce

Mothership - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Mothership - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Mothership - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Mothership - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Mothership Docking Port - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Mothership Docking Port - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Christian Pearce

Dropship - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Dropship - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Dropship - Artist: Greg Broadmore

Dropship - Artist: Greg Broadmore