Interpreting a beloved franchise with techno-cosmic armour grounded in mythology, we were thrilled to design hero costumes for Tomek Bagiński’s 2023 adaptation, “Knights of the Zodiac”.
Tasked with bringing a grounded cinematic vision to these iconic character designs – Seiya, Marin and Cassios – we first studied the original inspiration of these characters. For Seiya, the Pegasus with its lean musculature and elegant wings, integrating Saint Seiya’s famous gauntlets and winged helmet. For Marin, the graceful but ferocious Eagle, with special attention to capturing her likeness in her iconic silver mask and red hair. And for Cassios (the “Black Knight”), his tactical military armour emphasising his brutish agility, inspired by the ballistic practicality of SWAT and Navy SEALs.
Each character design incorporated key iconic elements and colour schemes, emphasising their mythology, with an eye always on what future extended universe products and adventures may hold.